Golden Nugget

Experience the thrill at Golden Nugget Danville, where casual luxury meets gaming. Whether you're spinning the reels, rolling the dice, or shuffling the deck, the excitement of the win will rush over you. Go for the gold with our winning selection of 500 reel and video poker games. Our illustrious gaming floor also boasts 14 Las Vegas-style table games, including blackjack, mini-baccarat, craps, roulette, 3-card poker, and more. Our casino seamlessly blends an easy-going vibe with non-stop gaming action.


When you wager up an appetite, select from our gold standard offerings: Front Row Bar & Grill and Saltgrass Steakhouse. At the Front Row Bar and Grill, get in the game with a swift and sporty dining experience. You will be surrounded by more than 50 big-screen TVs while enjoying our made-from-scratch breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. For an award-winning steakhouse dinner, savor the excellence of Saltgrass Steakhouse, celebrated for its impeccable service and renowned Certified Angus Beef® brand steaks. Saltgrass also offers fresh seafood, chicken, juicy burgers, sandwiches, artisan salads, and more.


It’s nothing but fun, food, and fortune at the Golden Nugget Danville.


Our Community Impact

500 slot machines
14 table games
Numerous restaurants and bars